Our Mission is to ensure that resilience, productivity, and wellbeing are at the centre of working and personal lives. Providing employers, employees, and individuals with a wealth of invaluable tools to enable them to flourish and succeed amongst a culture of wellbeing

The corporate environment has developed an 'always on' culture, and the increasing pressure within and outside of work is detrimental to overall wellbeing and can inevitably lead to burnout. We promote the shift from work-life balance to work-life integration, that every individual must be supported, highlighting that Employee wellbeing is a human and business imperative. With 300,000 in the UK losing their jobs each year due to mental health problems there is evidently more to be done. 

A Wellbeing strategy increases productivity and enhances performance.  If companies take a more holistic approach when it comes to their workforce, business is likely to thrive.

Loveday Wellbeing offers interactive Wellbeing courses to companies throughout various industries. These bespoke courses offer evidence-based techniques, methods, and current scientific findings, to help develop Resilience, manage Stress, and promote Mental fitness and agility.

Corporate Yoga has become increasingly popular in recent times and Loveday Wellbeing offers qualified instructors for Stress Management Yoga sessions during, before, and after working hours.

Loveday Wellbeing strives to support people in becoming fully equipped to withstand the challenges that working and personal lives will inevitably throw at them. Mental and Physical wellbeing is key. Healthy, and happy employees that feel respected, valued, and supported within their workplace, are all components to a successful business.


Our company founder Hannah Loveday has been working within the Health and Wellbeing industry for 15 years. As a Wellbeing Consultant Hannah has worked with individuals and teams within the private and public sectors, including within education and the NHS.

Hannah is a qualified teacher in Education and training, she has studied with The Coaching Academy and alongside award-winning business coach Andre Fennell and Fiona Buckland. Hannah specialises in mental health and mindfulness. Hannah's warmth and passion coupled with her practical, and energetic style, means her learning environment is engaging, inspiring, and fun!
