Client Testimonials


Timely and helpful

‘I would recommend this course to anyone who finds it difficult to fit in time for self-care & tends to just plough through.’

Confederation of British Industry


'A brilliant session, excellently delivered by Hannah with inspiring lessons and give away techniques to improve our daily mental positivity, happiness and wellbeing. Thank you Hannah and we are all looking forward to our next session with you.'

Lynn Cannell - Director of LCA Jobs

Opened My Eyes

'Very well presented, easy to follow and entertaining. I really liked the variety of different exercises, I was engaged throughout. So much information that was explained clearly so I felt I had really absorbed it all. The course definitely opened my eyes.'

Nina - Trainee Counselor/Psychotherapist


'This workshop was brilliant! Normally with feedback forms I write N/A, however this workshop was really great. Literally ending with such a calmer feel to when I started. Hannah was brilliant and down to earth, which made us feel more comfortable to engage. I would like to suggest this to family and friends!'

Clear Architects (anonymous)


'I really enjoyed the exercises, I think they will help me on a day to day basis to focus on the task at hand. Singular focus.'

Clear Architects (anonymous)

Be more present

How I can be more present is one I want to work on as I often spend a lot of my thinking time looking forward and not in there here and now. The How to Detach from the Digital World talk by Hannah Loveday talked about the impact of screens and negative thoughts on our brain wave states and how taking time to be mindful can lower your levels of DMN (Default Mode Network or wandering monkey mind as she called it).

Emma Leach - Delegate, Women in tech festival